Our Farm

The Farm is located in Kirlapal - Dabal, Panchyat, Kirlapal Village of Dharbandora Taluka, South Goa (Geographically central part of Goa) Please see the map. The farm has unique combination of Agriculture, Horticulture, Vegetables, Spices, Plantation crops, with Tourism Facility. It has developed Adventure sport, Bird watching, morning trails, Nakshatra Van (Astral Garden), swimming pond etc


The Farm is located on around 60 acres with main focus on Organic farming. The crop primarily consist of Cashew, Mango, Coconut, Arecanut, Babnana, Pinaaplle, Pepper, Papaya, spices, vegetables and flowering plants. The farm is more than 75 years old and you can see the Banyan trees which are more than 200 years old

Spice Plantation

As typical farm in Goa and of West Coast, the planation of Coconut and Arecanut in intermixed with spices like Pepper, Vanilla, Nut meg, Clove, Cardamom, Coccum, Mango sten, Turmeric etc. The farm produce especially Pepper, cocum, is processed and sold to the visitors


The main plantation of Cashew, consisting of local Varieties as well as Vengurla series, Balli and other high yielding. Orchard of more than 500 yielding coconut with intercrop of Turmeric, pepper, Bananaa, nutmeg, clove etc

Vegetables and Fruits

Recently cultivation of Vegetables, and fruits like Bhendi (Okra), Chilli, Capsicum, Brinjal, Pineapple, Capsicum, papaya are undertaken on large scale, Visitior can take part in actual cultivation, harvesting depending upon the season as well as purchase self-harvested. Farm also has Poly house to experiment cultivation of various vegetables and flowers and control conditions. Mango, Jack fruits are processed to make various eatable products which are available on farm to the visitors

Distillation Process

As major part of Farm consist of Cashew Plantation and therefore processing of cashew karnels and fruits was necessary. Cashew karnals are processed at nearby Factory. Visitors can see the processing as well as buy the Fresh Cashew Karnals.
Famous Goa Feni and Urrak (A seasonal drink) is distilled at the farm. During the season (February to May) Visitors can take part in fruits collection, processing and distilling as well as test Cashew fruit juice (locally known as NEERA) and also Urrak

Reach Us

Opposite Green acres,
Tonca, Miramar, Goa